Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Harrison's First Parade

It was raining pretty hard that night, but Harrison had fun at the Forset Grove Light Parade. We were also able to see Allsion and Blake walking in the parade with their two dogs Gypsy & Cutter! haha! This small town parade was kinda boring, but! It did feature probably the coolest thing I've ever seen in a parade before.....a Delorean!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

two Thanksgivings

Thanksgiving with the Distads, Ammons, & Allens 
Thanksgiving this year was kinda a blur. I had to work, which left Matt to cook dinner for 10. Have to give it up to MJ.......he did a great job! Thanksgiving was tasty!

Harrison enjoyed visiting with Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Chris, Uncle Glen, Cousin Bailee, Auntie Allison & Unkie Blake. Harrison tried playing with Bailee, but she wasn't really interested. They'll have to try again later. 

Harrison looked pretty adorable in his button down shirt and jeans. Wish I would have taken a picture!!! (damn you dumb brain). Alas though he spit up on himself and had to sit topless for the remainder of the evening. Bailee was a little grumpy, but I think it was due to the unfamiliar environment. Chris and Glen made a ridiculous amount of ambrosia salad, the grandparents made grandpa's famous stuffing, and Allison made yummy cranberry sauce. Dinner was a sucess filled with laughter and Apples to Apples! 

A few excerpts from dinner:

Unkie Blake said, "I think he's a good baby. I'm no baby expert, but I think he's pretty good." while holding Harry in his lap. 

Uncle Glen said, "Do you have something we can nibble on? We're very hungry." 

Grandma said, "Oh Amy, You've done such a nice job." 

I quickly correct her and said, "Naaah it wasn't me. Give it up for Matt. He made everything. All I did was shop for the ingredients and map a cooking schedule." 

Thanksgiving two(friday) with the Schulbergs & Binghams

Matt made mashed potatoes while I made homemade turkey gravy and brussel sprouts. That gravy was GOOD. 12 hours simmering the turkey carcass was totally worth the effort.

Grammies Maryjane & Toni smoked the bird on their outdoor tregger and made stuffing. Auntie Jami made pinot nior cranberry sauce, Unkie Griff made green bean casserole, and the rest came from costco. 

Riley played waiter extremely well. He dished pie for everyone, and even added whipped cream. I was pretty impressed with his serving skills. Riley also played with Harrison. Harry was dancing to Riley's (I held him up, but he wiggled and laughed on his own) tunes.

Grammie Toni pushed Harry on a wooden horse Maryjane had made for Riley when he was a baby. We also played Guestures. A fun time was had by all.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

harry's jonny jumper

Order this for him a few weeks back, and decided it was time for Harry to test it out. At first he was hesitant, but that quickly changed his feeling about it after he discovered it came with toys. He tolerated the jumper for almost ten minutes, and then he freaked out. Maybe it was a little too soon??? not sure really

Oh! Harry also tried butternut squash this same day (you can see a little orange stain on his pj's) he's not into them. :(

celebration photos of the Presidents big second term win

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Democrats Win

President Barack Obama has been re-elected!!!!

The next four years should tackle lots of issues: 
Climate change, US travel (bullet trains!!), Healthcare, Tax code changes, and Foreign policy changes

Their will be loads of changes that will take place, but it's for the good of the people.

Harry celebration photo coming soon......he's zonked. out at 7:15 tonight.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


We celebrated Harrison's first Halloween by starting him on solid foods. He ate pureed banana like a champ! Now that he's 5 months old he's going to be a puree connoisseur for sure!


Harrison dressed up as Toby from Labyrinth for his very first Halloween

these last images are what the trick or' treaters experienced when knocking on our door.

great day for columbia

We bought this jacket for Harrison when I was 6 months pregnant, and now it fits!! Doesn't he looked thrilled?!?

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

Harrison's first visit to the pumpkin patch almost didn't happen. 

The night before Harrison slept so poorly. Waking up every hour to two hours. When we finally decided to get up with him at 630am MJ and I were not only exhausted, but a little angry as well. Seeing his sweet smile though changes our anger to annoyance, which is tolerable. 

We knew we wanted to take him the a pumpkin patch, but the weather was awful and would continue to be for the next 10 days according to the weather channel. At noon I looked out the living room window, and my heart filled with joy! "MJ we must go to the pumpkin patch right now! The sun's out!" Mj wanted to take a nap before his family arrived, so he suggested we go another day. I showed him the forecast, and he said fine, but only if we have time before my family gets here. I called Julianne to let her know what our plans were, and we were off. 

Harrison enjoyed himself so much! It was really neat seeing him enjoy everything around him. I think fall might be his favorite time of year! Just like his parents.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Super beautiful October afternoon! Time to view some ducks.

MJ and Harrison. Buddies in orange for sure!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

over 500 views!

Wow! Our blog has over 500 views. Pretty neat-o! Here's a crappy cell phone picture of Harry in celebration.